Lavender Spice Chai


moderate caffeine level

This masterfully crafted tea playfully blends lavender flowers with the traditional spices of chai. Aromatically hypnotizing, you will enjoy this playful & spicy fusion. With just the right amount of caffeine for a little kick. Hint: Get adventurous with the preparation and add some milk or coconut creamer with sweetener.


Lavender Flowers, Black Tea leaves, Cinnamon, Ginger, Cardamom, Coconut, Lemongrass, Coconut flavor

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The word tea comes from the Latin root word (Lavere) which means to wash and that is fitting since lavender is helpful to wash out and accelerate wound healing. Lavender also has ancient Egyptian ties as it was used by royal families, when the tomb of king tut was open, lavender was found inside as it would be used for the mummification process. Present day Lavender is used for anxiety support, Migraine tension, skin conditions, lavender aromatherapy has been used to help ease chemo stress. Just to name a few things this amazing herb can do.


  1. Add 1-2 Teaspoons to infuser or mesh bag

  2. Pour 8 Fl oz of boiling water over the herbs

  3. Steep for 7-10 Minutes or longer for more intense flavor

**Reminder that our teas our packed by weight instead of volume. We do this to assure that you are receiving the same amount to fill up the tin each time.